
About - Title Image

This Site

Having played badminton for more than a decade and always being interested in the data analysis aspect of the sport, the idea came to my mind to create a website about badminton and data analysis. The free time during the CoVid shutdowns might have helped as well.

It’s still a work in progress, and it’s more of an hobby, so don’t expect everything to be perfect. Also English is not my native language, but I hope everything is understandable.

Structure of the Site

The site comprises four sections:

  • Bets of the Day I will post my personal picks of the day
  • Blog A blog with all analyses I make about badminton and betting. Also some posts will discuss current news and look at them using data analysis.
  • Basics Basic knowledge about badminton and betting. These are more fundamental than the blog posts and everyone should know these basics. Also some information about the database and the simulation used for this website is given.
  • Resources Additional material that might be helpful, be it links to other sites or this page.

Also there is an Archive section that lists all posts from the blog in chronological order as well as sorted by categories, tags, players and tournaments mentioned.

You can reach all these sections via the menu in the upper right corner.

Technical Details

This website was made with Jekyll, a static site generator. You can find out more about it on its website and its GitHub page.

My Theme is based on the theme Forty by Andrew Banchich, that is itself based upon a Design by HTML5 UP. Some images are taken from Unsplash and Pexels.